An illustrative video
I really recommend taking a look at the previous video in order to think about the importance of using ICT in science education. Science is a difficult subject to teach due to lots of abstract concepts involved. Many others are just difficult to understand with the usual way of teaching (i.e. just using chalk and the blackboard). For that reason, the use of technology teaching resources could be the key to optimize the learning of science.
The main reason why I have chosen this video is that it talks about the big changes got, in terms of students learning, after the introduction of technology in the classroom. Everything is built around a question made from one student:
- What is the best way to represent that?
That question referred to how to represent the particle model of the matter, arises when a concept is introduced to us and we don't have any way to perceive it sensory. The particle model is not something that we can show to the students, a schematic representation needs to be drawn. Wouldn't it be easier to make students become the authors of the model we are trying to teach? I know it could sound difficult and a non-viable methodology, but the truth is that we can do it with technology resources. Specifically, the video talks about using some kind of stop motion software, from which animations are going to be made by the students.
In this way, we move from an education that considers students just information receivers to a model where all students work together as authors, using science as a tool.
Another key point is that once a group of students has done their animations, they can share it with another group and provide mutual feedback, everything with the use of blogs or wikis. Those resources will be used by teachers as well, creating collective knowledge from which everyone will be benefited.
I hope you find the video interesting and helps you to see the benefits of using ICT.
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